An Open Letter
What if all the larger Jewish families or individuals, who are alone in the world, slowed down on Shabbat and take approximately 9 minutes to sing, out loud, the Birkat Hamazon B'Shira every Shabbat ( Grace After Meals In Song every Sabbath)
The DeZimra Institute™ is attempting to inspire a worldwide initiative seeking to encourage, every Jew, every Shabbat, both families together and/or individuals singularly, to fulfill a Torah proclamation of saying Brachot by singing out loud the entire Birkat Hamazon B'Shira.
This initiative will not cost any money to implement; however, its spiritual and family bonding reward benefits are memorable, priceless, and immeasurable.
The Birkat Hamazon is a prayer originating 3,300 years ago, when the Torah mandated "You shall eat and be satisfied and bless the Lord..." (Deuteronomy). The melody is arguably the most often sung prayer in Jewish history. THE BIRKAT HAMAZON IS THE ONE AND ONLY BRACHA EXPLICITLY MANDATED IN THE TORAH THAT MUST BE SAID BY ALL JEWS.
It has already been reported that certain individuals have experienced renewed chizzuk (spiritual strength) and kavanah (sincere feeling of the heart), during the week, in preparation for Shabbat, when they read the English translation from a Siddur, as they followed the Hebrew words of the Tefillah, enhanced by the powerful melodious niggunim (spiritually enhanced melodies).
As the Torah highlights in the Yam Suf Experience (Israel's miraculous exodus at the Red Sea), Tefillah B'Shira (Prayer in Song) manifests existential spirituality of Yeerah (awe and respect), Emunah (faith and belief) and Kavanah and connection to Hashem.
In these uncertain times for the Jewish Nation in Israel and abroad, we are looking for something we can do for ourselves and for our people. In the Third Bracha, we ask for compassion for Israel, something we so desperately need right now. As a merit of protection for ourselves and our people Join Am Yisroel in taking it upon ourselves to say Birkat Hamazon Properly from a text Every Shabbat.
We are seeking the partnership of all Jewish households, both multi–unit families or individuals living alone, across the world to encourage their out–loud singing of the Shabbat Birkat Hamazon B'Shira, every Shabbat.
The call to action of this Open Letter is a request of each individual who reads this Open Letter, to sing the Birkat Hamazon every Shabbat out loud and also circulate this idea to their friends. If every recipient of this Open Letter would forward this Open Letter to their social media list, and each of those recipients would, in turn, forward this Open Letter to their social media list, it has been suggested that the entire Jewish community is only 6 degrees of separation from each other.
May we see the end of this war very soon with the coming of Mashiach! Amen
George D. Hanus
DeZimra Institute™